By JustMarried - 07/05/2016 21:47 - Ukraine

Today, my wife wanted to have a threesome. During our honeymoon. With the maid of honor. I didn't sign up for this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 214
You deserved it 4 277

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ohsnapword 21

Could be a lot worse. She could have wanted a threesome with the best man.

Maybe she's just testing you to see if you will actually go for it. Or maybe she just wanted to surprise you and assumed you wanted a threesome.


It may sound amazing but it didn't work out that well for Ross from friends...

Why is the maid of honour even on the honeymoon?

cutiepie292929 18

Might have had a destination wedding so it's also where they will honeymoon

Yeah not all guys are into girl on girl

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joeyl2008 29

Yeah it's not the worst thing that could have happened but it's still fairly bad.

I'm with you. I do not see the problem here.

If this was a man asking the responses would be different. Maybe OP wants a monogamous relatinship, doesn't find the maid of honour attractive and wants to have sex with his wife - no one else.

right, #61? if the OP was like "my husband wanted a threesome on our honeymoon with his best friend" everyone would be screaming to divorce him. It's a disrespectful thing to say no matter the gender unless both sides have previously expressed interest in threesomes and all sides are cool with it.

Maybe she's just testing you to see if you will actually go for it. Or maybe she just wanted to surprise you and assumed you wanted a threesome.

Have fun figuring out which of the two it is.

man if she's testing your character just to see if you'll go for it - divorce her immediately and don't look back. If this is happening right after the honeymoon I predict years of hell ahead of you. FYL OP

Coland 19

Or maybe she wants a threesome

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ohsnapword 21

Could be a lot worse. She could have wanted a threesome with the best man.

Why would that be worse? Maybe it's just me but the idea of a threesome involving the person I love repulses me, regardless of if its a man or woman. I don't want to share, and I don't want to be shared.

#21, I agree with you. People sometimes say that's selfish, but I really can't imagine sharing my man. And I don't want him to share me, either.

Especially on your honeymoon. The honeymoon is meant to be a special time for TWO PEOPLE not 3+.

Not really sure how that is worse. It doesn't matter, OP is uncomfortable with the idea of having a threesome, period.

flyingflies 36

Maybe she's bisexual, so wanting a woman to join in the fun could be as worse as the best man option in this situation.

Think of it as her ensuring you officially, and properly, consummated the marriage

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Because not everyone, not even every man, wants to have sex with someone else when they're in a relationship/married.

The fact that men like these exist, makes me love humankind a little bit more.

Maybe he wanted to spend time with his wife and ONLY his wife

Could've been worse, she could've just straight-up cheated on you

Aiden89 23

*Admiral Ackbar* "It's a Trap"

MasterTron 24

Damn you beat me to the punch