By JustMarried - 07/05/2016 21:47 - Ukraine

Today, my wife wanted to have a threesome. During our honeymoon. With the maid of honor. I didn't sign up for this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 209
You deserved it 4 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ohsnapword 21

Could be a lot worse. She could have wanted a threesome with the best man.

Maybe she's just testing you to see if you will actually go for it. Or maybe she just wanted to surprise you and assumed you wanted a threesome.


thunderniron 22

At least it was with a female. :-D

CliffyB03 28

Is this the kind of FML that the "you deserved it" is actually a good thing?

Wtf that is hella lit if my wife said that I'd be in in a second!!

Mysterybounty 6

Wow, your wife wants to have a 3-some so **** your life? My god whine more about something that should be awesome, you don't deserve to be married.

TrippyEyes 16

There are plenty of ways to handle this. Politely declining or reluctantly screwing are the best 2.

I would advise never to reluctantly screw - you should never be in the position that you feel you have to screw someone when you don't really want to

DeadxManxWalking 27

*Fry meme* Not sure if this is a test or if wife actually wants to have threesome

If she is testing you, as so many are saying, you're going to have a hell of a marriage because that is very manipulative. All the people saying "Well, is she hot?", or "At least it's with a woman" don't understand whatsoever the kind of stress and pressure something like this puts on a person...

I said you deserve it in a different context than normal, go for it bro

If you don't want to, you don't want to. You have the right to say no, especially since you feel off about it. It would be the right response especially since she could be testing you. Having a threesome could also cause some major issues, which would be ridiculous since you don't seem to be interested in the first place. You gotta stay true to yourself. If you don't want to, you have the right to refuse.