By guest - 01/04/2011 21:33 - United States

Today, my wife decided that to help her stop smoking, she's also giving up the things that make her crave a cigarette. Sex is one of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 133
You deserved it 6 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry, once the stress from not smoking kicks in she will be begging you for a release. Have fun!

Woodsy007 0

wow. seriously? it's all about you. I'm so sorry your wife is trying to extend her life and a fantastic thing like quitting smoking. but oh no, it SUCKS being you because your just going to die without sex. boohoo.


Be supportive; this is one of the hardest things she can do. And in a few weeks, you will be.

that's when you tell her smoking one after is perfectly is a big part of a relationship. Excuse?maybe?

Get a fleshlight and quit whining. Geeze, guys these days are so obsessive about sex it's pathetic!

have sex with her so much that she doesn't have time for a smoke :p

why not switch it up? let her smoke with her vag while you get head!

Get her the electric cigarette, it's like a vapor. none of the nasty chemicals that are real bad.

give her a smoke-free week and shell be all over you and feeling awesome doing it.. chill;)

LDda51 0

its great that shes trying to quit smoking but Damn that sucks...for u. Tell her blue balls are real