By guest - 01/04/2011 21:33 - United States

Today, my wife decided that to help her stop smoking, she's also giving up the things that make her crave a cigarette. Sex is one of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 133
You deserved it 6 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry, once the stress from not smoking kicks in she will be begging you for a release. Have fun!

Woodsy007 0

wow. seriously? it's all about you. I'm so sorry your wife is trying to extend her life and a fantastic thing like quitting smoking. but oh no, it SUCKS being you because your just going to die without sex. boohoo.


my friend bought me a pack of cigs when I had quit already for a few days. she said she couldnt afford to get me the patches. HELLO. I didn't ask for u to buy me a patch and I why would u bring me a pack of cigs when. I was quitting. just bc u want a smoke buddy on break at work

normal guys need to get it. i feel for ya.

TraceCase_ 19

256- Great news! Weezy's been out for a while now

sounds to me like she's just craving something to suck and blow

denvan 0

Go take that blow updoll out and get to work on it

I meant giving up smoking is hard if u are heavily addicted!

tell her to smoke you onstead.. only it will be swallowed rather than inhaled.

Instead of smoking She could smoke ur dick.

haha 118 agreed smoking does nothing for you it's just bad for you. were as at least with cannabis it makes you feel high ;) if anybody brings up that marijuana is bad. then I'm leaving lol I hate those arguments and avoid those flame wars