By guest - 01/04/2011 21:33 - United States

Today, my wife decided that to help her stop smoking, she's also giving up the things that make her crave a cigarette. Sex is one of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 133
You deserved it 6 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry, once the stress from not smoking kicks in she will be begging you for a release. Have fun!

Woodsy007 0

wow. seriously? it's all about you. I'm so sorry your wife is trying to extend her life and a fantastic thing like quitting smoking. but oh no, it SUCKS being you because your just going to die without sex. boohoo.


you dont understand cause you dont smoke. shes actually right.

then let her smoke again if u want ur sex back

she's having an affair with her fitness instructor. think about it! :p

good for her, sucks for you. I guess it's time to get your blowup doll Isis out of the closet. married with children reference

junoemilymae 6

well on the bright side... oh wait, just kidding, there is no bright side.

Don't worry. It won't be long before she will be wanting sex again. Be patient and try to be supportive. Quitting smoking is really difficult.

ThankfullyNotYou 1

I don't believe this. Sounds like just a poor excuse to stay away from you. Are you the one that told her to quit smoking? She could be withholding sex from you as a punishment for not letting her smoke. Talk it out and don't sit on the internet looking for answers that can only come from your wife. Get it fixed because a sexless marriage is plain hell.