By guest - 01/04/2011 21:33 - United States

Today, my wife decided that to help her stop smoking, she's also giving up the things that make her crave a cigarette. Sex is one of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 133
You deserved it 6 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry, once the stress from not smoking kicks in she will be begging you for a release. Have fun!

Woodsy007 0

wow. seriously? it's all about you. I'm so sorry your wife is trying to extend her life and a fantastic thing like quitting smoking. but oh no, it SUCKS being you because your just going to die without sex. boohoo.


VeilOfVelvet 0

I understand that she's taking drastic measures, but be a little supportive. I think sacrificing sex for a while would be well worth not watching the woman you love hack herself to death, don't you? Sex isn't everything. It's not the end of the world.

jadejazmyn 5

Wow she just didn't want to have sex w you any more buddy. I say it's time for a new wife lol. I swear I'd divorce my husband if he said such a thing to me lol.

buy her electronic cigarette it's good, i know people which it helped them :) but seriously you're a man if you want sex so badly you can try things to turn her on lol

She's addicted to cigarettes, you're addicted to sex ... What a nice couple you are !!!

DTB. Then you can have as much sex as you want and she'll probably go back to smoking from the stress.

legoman213579 13

Oh you poor baby how about you go **** yourself considering you care more about sex than your wife's health

GofuckY0urSe1f 2