By guest - 01/04/2011 21:33 - United States

Today, my wife decided that to help her stop smoking, she's also giving up the things that make her crave a cigarette. Sex is one of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 133
You deserved it 6 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry, once the stress from not smoking kicks in she will be begging you for a release. Have fun!

Woodsy007 0

wow. seriously? it's all about you. I'm so sorry your wife is trying to extend her life and a fantastic thing like quitting smoking. but oh no, it SUCKS being you because your just going to die without sex. boohoo.


cheerislove 0

hmmm. maybe since she will stop smoking she will be able to last longer during sex. its all worth it in the end!.(: haha.

haha you know most people smoke because of stress so maybe your just not good in bed!

personally I'd just say "alright so ur giving me ******** till you quit" :)

zendaddy0 0

Better buy extra lube, sound like your gonna need it

Smoking is bad anyways and not worth starting. The least you could do is be supportive... would you rather have the woman you love die due to smoking or not have sex during her quitting period? If you don't let her stop smoking, you'll lose both options.

CheapGodiva 0

She's only saying that because she doesn't want you to know she's actually cheating on you.

The sex was so bad that she decide to slowly kill herself by smoking.

xx5pid3rmanxx 3

no.7 her health means alot to him I'm sure it does but no sex!?! that's a heaping pile of bullshit and you know it. cuz wen "infidelity" comes around then you wonder why. lol cuz of crap like that wuts that word u women love to use?? oh yeah compromise!