By raidered - 08/03/2010 06:16 - United States

Today, my three year old nephew was pointing at the TV screen and saying "Uncle, Uncle!" He thought it was me on the screen. It was Rosie O'Donnell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 510
You deserved it 4 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Gotta love a child's brutal honesty. A friend of my little cousin once told me I look like the Corpse Bride. A little boy once said I looked like 'Mrs. Smith' from Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Some kids are assholes, some are awesome, it evens out.


katherinebby17 28

damn that sucks but he's only a kid so don't be sad

InCaged_Insanity 0

"don't be sad"?? because who wouldn't want to ne compared to an obese lesbian that looks like the boy in my default pic?

atleast she didn't say ronald mcdonald ?!!

lol she I meant he but either way u look like a biatch!!! so fyl

LOL @ #5! Maybe the kid was saying "Uncle!" as in "I surrender! Please get this thing off my telly and I'll be good!"

I think they wanted u to watch the screen

draydray 3

Maybe it was so painful to see her he called out "Uncle!" to give up and hopefully make it go away.

Itzmeh 0

Rosie does look like a man....


Hey, well now you have a story to tell you're kids when you get older..."kids gather around once in my prime I was said that I looked like this very popular butch guy he was popular for picking fights with everyone that was a celebrity, his name was R oDonald....true story just don't repeat it." See you got a negative and turned it into a positive lol.

17 your comment fails it makes no sense and is stupid

tomahawkinyouall 0
pipp360 0

I think it's more sad that you were watching the show that should have been the Fml

you must truely be a fine specimine of CHUBALUPAGUS!!!

marie93uso 0
deliciouscake 3

Hey, I used to think my dad was Mariah Carrie. It's not that bad, he served 12 years and I thought the marine was The Carrie.


yes, yes buddy why yes you are second lol congrats

jazziness 12

hahahaha OP that sucks! I remember watching like a quick interview with Rosie and they asked what the worst thing someone has told her... and apparently someone told her "I don't mean to offend you but you look like Rosie o Donnel" hahaha

Gotta love a child's brutal honesty. A friend of my little cousin once told me I look like the Corpse Bride. A little boy once said I looked like 'Mrs. Smith' from Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Some kids are assholes, some are awesome, it evens out.

Now that I think about it Angelina Jolie does look like the Corpse bride.

Yeah, they do look alike. But, the corpse bride is hot.

If that's your real pic... can I have your autograph, Mrs. Pitt?

Thunderbender 2

When I first saw that movie I thought the corpse bride was kinda hot :) Just cause the kid said that doesnt neccessarilly mean he thought u were ugly :P

As compared to Angelina Jolie, I mean. I wasn't saying you weren't hot astro. :P I think you're gorgeous!

haha well to each their own. And thank you aeliz, the compliment is mutual :)

WorkThatButt 2
lolababyy 0
InCaged_Insanity 0

No. She would take it as a compliment.

This was going to be my exact comment. The OP shouldn't be upset because Rosie makes a pretty decent looking man.

Haha. at least Rosie is pretty manly looking. it could be a lot worse.

InCaged_Insanity 0

"Shes more of a man than I'll ever be."