By anon - 23/03/2015 02:24 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I was playing with my 3-year-old nephew when he suddenly got up and ran to his mom to tell her I was "touching in bad spots". I was tickling his armpits. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 326
You deserved it 2 933

Same thing different taste

Top comments

triplebeerox 27

You definitely need to talk to the mom so she doesn't think you're molesting her kid


Woah, hold up. This kid just may not know what he's saying. I think it's time he just needs to be taught about what he just said. Though, it would never hurt to have OP explain what happened too.

True but kids can be evil little demons. I saw that a 12 year old tried to poison her mother twice for taking her iPhone away.

No joke. My 3yr old has had the nickname "Demonic" since he was 1.5. His name is Dominic.

I was thinking that the mom could just ask the kid where he touch him, so there is no confusion.

I know a story about a man being in jail for 6 years, loosing his job and dignity because his 9 yo stepdaughter told her mother that he had touched her down there. Why? She was jealous because they were planning on having a kid together.

See that? That's life ruining demon shit!!

Sad to say that I agree with you. I think a lot of it has to do with the parents though.

alex_the_tiger 14

Hopefully she will believe you, maybe he just needs proper explanation of private areas.

Or hopefully she'll believe her child. All the mom needs to do is ask her kid where he was touched and figure it out.

triplebeerox 27

You definitely need to talk to the mom so she doesn't think you're molesting her kid

Isn't it your sister or sister-in-law? Since it's the nephew, I'm sure the mom would understand and realize her kid is lying or stretching the truth...

Sorry, not your sister, but OP's sister/sister-in-law

Unfortunately most cases of molestation come from people close to the child, such as parents, step-parents, uncles/aunts, family friends... So yeah, although it is an unfortunate situation, it wouldn't be unusual if OP's sister/sister-in-law doubted OP's word.

You think that's bad? My 7 and 8 year old cousins were caught licking each other in private areas. Try explaining that.

Did you really need to tell everyone that #53

#60 I just felt this FML needed my input :P

Hopefully his mom will be understanding.

1dvs_bstd 41

The explanation to his mother would not have been easy. And she'll always give you the 'got my eyes on you' look.

I hated being tickled as a kid. It was horrible - because I was laughing when I said stop they wouldn't stop. Kid probably has the same thing and some phrasing issues. Your sister will understand. :)

I hated being tickled as a kid as well. Still do. People do it too hard and it hurts. Laughing can be a nervous response and not always an indication that the person laughing is having fun. Saying 'bad spots' could be his way of saying he is being touched in a way he does not like. He most likely has been given the talk about reporting people who touch him inappropriately. He's probably trying to tell OP not to tickle him.

I got tickled so hard by family members I would cry :( only about two years ago did I start letting my boyfriend touch my stomach cuz I would have tickle flashbacks. Don't tickle kids hard, people

I also wonder how many times this kid said "No! Stop!", but were ignored because they were laughing involuntarily?

I also hate being tickled. I punched a boyfriend out once because he wouldn't stop. That ended that relationship! I do tickle my kids though, relentlessly. I'll have to stop soon though, because after you're not a kid anymore, it's just annoying as hell.

I hate being tickled and it's annoying how you tell the person to stop but they won't.

The laugh that comes from tickling is almost always an involuntary panic response from the body, so it's normal that most people feel terrified when it comes to being tickled.

I wonder if the kid understands that his mother might misunderstand what he's said.

mwali02 32

No, he probably doesn't. The kid is three. It will get better from here. There are still a lot of teaching opportunities for the entire family. But at three years old, I doubt that he realized the potential implications of what he said. Good thing kids grow! :)

obviously not, I doubt a kid under 5 years old knows about molestation

And they say adults are the evil ones.

oh that's embarrassing and sucks OP, hopefully family would be more understanding than someone you don't know that well! don't beat yourself up about it, but at least the kid is aware and knows to tell a trusted adult about potential abuse!