By duckthehack - 28/01/2011 14:25 - Poland

Today, my 14 year old son got suspended and I had to pay for the damage after he sprayed "FUCK THE POLICE" on the back wall of his school. I'm a policeman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 975
You deserved it 8 894

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He is hanging out with the wrong crowd :(

perdix 29

Don't worry, he was talking about the band. Sting really ****** over Stewart Copeland and Andy Summers when he ditched them for his self-indulgent solo career. Or maybe he was angry when they jumped the shark with "Ghost in the Machine." Either way, it wasn't really about you.


He is hanging out with the wrong crowd :(

I would beat my son within the law if he did that

impatientsnake 4

look ppl it's officer bot policeman or woman can everyone just get it rite

Haters gonna hate lol. hes been hanging out with the 4chan crowd.

I hate the police myself and can't blame him for believing the same, but it's messed up you gotta pay for the damage--he should, most certainly.

That's why you'll be in jail for your life.

I you don't mind me asking, have you ever been arrested?

most 14 year olds don't have jobs in ohio i don't even think they're aloud them legaly

This comment is going to get spammed with thumb downs but I have to say this, I was going to get first but my stupid computer froze as i pressed the submit button. Dawm it I was so close to achieving FML greatness.

This is the second ironic anecdote I've seen in one day. xD

TheB0a 5

Sit your son down and talk to him. Only thing I can really think of now.

LightningLadyy 0

The kid might as well have written "**** YOU DAD!!"

perdix 29

Don't worry, he was talking about the band. Sting really ****** over Stewart Copeland and Andy Summers when he ditched them for his self-indulgent solo career. Or maybe he was angry when they jumped the shark with "Ghost in the Machine." Either way, it wasn't really about you.

perdix 29

Typical teenager! When he needs money, he's all nice to the dad, but out in public, it's don't stand so close to me.

I guess what he was really trying to say is "**** YOU, DAD". But you're not seriously paying for the damage are you? Make him pay for it, one way or another.

wellinever 5

No, it was a message for his Mum. The OP should be grateful his son has his best interests at heart.

ulicksam 0

At least you raised him to think correctly about some of those in power. Unfortunately, he's still an idiot.

"Now the kids, they listen to the rap music which gives them the brain damage. With the hippin' and the hoppin' and the bippin' and the boppin' and don't what the jazz is all about!" That kid's a keeper.

I hate cops too but I wouldn't do that to my dad. So definitely take this personally this was a direct announcement that he doesn't like you. Idk why your kid is an bad apple wrong crowd? Too much or less discipline but things need to change. You know where that road leads and I wouldn't be surprised if he failed a home drug test. Good luck not a father but I feel your pain.