By Anonymous - 06/02/2013 11:12 - United States

Today, my son threw the biggest fit in history about going to the dentist. He broke a whole stack of plates, overflowed the bathtub, let the dog loose, and kicked his father when he tried to calm him down. My son is 17. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 569
You deserved it 36 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BubbleGrunge 18

Sounds like someone still needs his ass whooped! I understand he's 17, but if you want to act like a child than you should be treated like a child!


Does your son have sensory issues, or maybe a phobia about the dentist? If the answer to both of these questions is "no" then I say let his damn teeth rot. He's seventeen, old enough to know the consequences of bad dental hygiene. You could also tell him that since he's not going to care for his teeth, you're not going to be providing things with sugar. And make him reimburse you for the broken things; he'll have plenty of time to work off the cost since I'm assuming he's grounded until Doomsday. Crackdown time, parents.

If I did that when I was that age I wouldn't have been able to sit down for a few days. If parents weren't afraid to give their kids a good ass whopping without being paranoid about children services being called maybe there wouldn't be so many brats in the world! You deserve it! Your parenting skills are lacking!

Dusty_Busters 15

Unless your son has metal disabilities that sometimes cause spurts of violent or angry behavior like bi-polar disorder or something of the like, I'd say it's your own damn fault for not raising him to be a respecting, hygiene-friendly, decent human being. But yeah, if he DOES have a serious mental condition, you might want to put him on meds... or change them.

jsolis1982 6

Oh the things you could do if only this country didn't take away parents' rights to discipline their kids. That's why they're all little ***** these days.

Teach that bitch a lesson. They've probably been going to the dentist for 16 years.