Karen strikes again

By lanadelreylover - 04/06/2021 17:01

Today, I was working at a carnival. I was on the ticket booth, and middle-aged lady came up asking for a refund for $50 worth of tickets she didn’t use. However, there are signs saying I can’t give out refunds. She spent 10 minutes yelling at me to give her a refund. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 164
You deserved it 76

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She's either petty or broke. Don't let her sassy attitude get under your skin, OP.

So you encountered the dreaded species Karen 😂


She's either petty or broke. Don't let her sassy attitude get under your skin, OP.

So you encountered the dreaded species Karen 😂

Call security the next time it happens.