By Anonymous - 06/02/2013 11:12 - United States

Today, my son threw the biggest fit in history about going to the dentist. He broke a whole stack of plates, overflowed the bathtub, let the dog loose, and kicked his father when he tried to calm him down. My son is 17. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 569
You deserved it 36 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BubbleGrunge 18

Sounds like someone still needs his ass whooped! I understand he's 17, but if you want to act like a child than you should be treated like a child!


WonkeyDonkey 10

Vallium his ass and drag him there, he'll wake up when it's all over ;)

Why are there more YDIs than FYLs? This definitely qualifies as an fml moment...

sounds like someone needed a ass beating when they were younger

It doesn't matter if he's mentally handicapped or what, smack him and he'll learn. It works on dogs, it'll work on a retard.

What kind of half-assed job did you do that your 17 year old still acts like a 3 year old?

I think you should have taken him to the emergency room for a broken jaw.

Why does your 17 year old think that acting that way is acceptable...?

Paradoodle 5

Well then don't take him. He's only got a year left till you don't have to pay for his teeth. Eventually he'll wish he had gone when you were going pay.