Teenage Riot

By Anonymous - 30/05/2021 11:00

Today, my son had a screaming meltdown because I told him to clean his own room and that I refuse to be treated like his personal maid. He’s 16. FML
I agree, your life sucks 934
You deserved it 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slkeithh 14

I mean. You raised him. No one to blame at this point but yourself.

At 16 this is where dealing with it quickly matters most. sure he is going to have hormones going crazy, and there is alot to be stressed about with weird school setups and covid... but shut that shit attitude down. ground him, take his phone/ consoles away... take internet away outside of school stuff. I was a 16YO male, have 2 younger brothers and can tell you from experience that if you shut it down now, quickly and CALMLY it should make your life easier. just don't fall into the yelling trap, it doesn't work lol


That kid needs a real tune-up. Take away his phone and gaming stuff until he gets his room clean to your standard.

slkeithh 14

I mean. You raised him. No one to blame at this point but yourself.

At 16 this is where dealing with it quickly matters most. sure he is going to have hormones going crazy, and there is alot to be stressed about with weird school setups and covid... but shut that shit attitude down. ground him, take his phone/ consoles away... take internet away outside of school stuff. I was a 16YO male, have 2 younger brothers and can tell you from experience that if you shut it down now, quickly and CALMLY it should make your life easier. just don't fall into the yelling trap, it doesn't work lol

at some point you gotta look at yourself and ask, how long did I baby the kid, or how much have I done for him that he should've done himself...

#BadParenting my children would never behave like that and neither did I or my siblings.