By Anonymous - 06/02/2013 11:12 - United States

Today, my son threw the biggest fit in history about going to the dentist. He broke a whole stack of plates, overflowed the bathtub, let the dog loose, and kicked his father when he tried to calm him down. My son is 17. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 569
You deserved it 36 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BubbleGrunge 18

Sounds like someone still needs his ass whooped! I understand he's 17, but if you want to act like a child than you should be treated like a child!


kisecawchuck 11

Wow he sounds like a brat... I know I know I'm only 14

Smack him up side the head problem fixed.

keep kicking him day he will realise that those kicks were meant for him to reach his goal in life

It's about time for the parents to take control by finding a way to not let him get his way, or seek professional for his aggressive behaviour. If you let this one slip, who knows what he will do the next time he doesn't want to do something that needs to be done.

no_more_words_98 8

you literally must be the dumbest parents in the world. you obviously spoiled him ******* rotten. good job it's too late now.

No matter what a 17 year old does you don't spank them. Should we start spanking bank robbers and rapist too? A more age appropriate punishment would be effective. Has someone tried to spank me at 17 I would have simply walked away and hit back if they actually touched me. I don't take too kindly to being hit.

Their never too young for an ass whoopin

Ok, for those of you who are saying ops kid deserves to be punched kicked etc. pleas shut up. A friend of mine is constantly abused by her father, CPS won't do shit because she won't show her scars. Why won't she show her scars? She is afraid of what her father will do to her if she reviles the truth. As for op, he/she might have deserved it. Maybe they gave into temper tantrums often enough before for ops kid to think that's how to get what he wants. The kid should be grounded and forced to pay for any damages in my opinion. What If ops kid has anger management issues? Pleas don't judge until you know the whole story.

Jeez, you know how to turn a mosquito into an elephant. You urgently need to realise there's a huge difference between punishing your child when it's misbehaving and abusing your child. Just because some "parents" enjoy beating the crap out of their kids only because they can doesn't mean other parents shouldn't teach their kids how to behave.

There's a difference between a good ass whoopin and abuse. Abuse makes the target bleed, or leaves emotional scars. A whoopin makes it hurt to sit for a couple hours and teaches a lesson. Have been subjected to both, and I know the difference. Every kid needs a good whoopin every once in a while. Just make sure you use the right end of the belt, and everything should be good. And as the kid is 17, it may take a little extra roughing up to do the job, feel free to backhand him across the mouth.