By crankg - 21/10/2011 04:57 - United States

Today, my roomie had guests over. I didn't feel like socializing, but I really had to piss. So I pissed in the plant in my room, spilled half of it, mopped it up with an old shirt, and went to bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 560
You deserved it 55 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Really? You'd rather piss in a pot plant than simply ignore everyone while you walk to the toilet.

Why exactly did that seem like a good idea?


texas_redneck88 10

YDI, should of walked your lazy ass outta your room and to the bathroom

jaredofmo 22

YDI, next time, just walk to the bathroom. Anyone notices you, just nod respectfully.

Holy Shatner, people! It's "SHOULD'VE", contraction of "should HAVE" and not "should of". Golly jeepers, gee whiz, I must be the only Grammar Nazi who notices this! Heil, Spellcheck!

If you keep judging the comments like that, No one will want to tell their stories. Some of the best books to read are written in slang. Give it a rest. (I do understand where you'r coming from.)

LaylaaMariee 0

if you don't like how people are talking on here then get the hell of it. End of story. Yeah thanks bye.

LaylaaMariee 0

if you don't like how people are talking on here then get the hell of it. End of story. Yeah thanks bye.

LaylaaMariee 0

if you don't like how people are talking on here then get the hell of it. End of story. Yeah thanks bye.

I understand the not wanting to socialize thing, but you didn't have a window or a bottle or something else in your room that was more capable of holding your piss than a plant? I hope that smell doesn't stink up your room!

im so proud of you for learning bladder least you didn't wet the bed again

Could have pissed in the toilet, then if you insisted on being a pig - not flushed.

next time piss yourself .. no need to stand up and walk and bla bla ..

Your roommate needs to serve an eviction notice.

rockyraccoon28 8

wow, you sound like a great roommate. you're severely antisocial and lazy, and you apparently piss wherever you want. aren't you a catch!