By crankg - 21/10/2011 04:57 - United States

Today, my roomie had guests over. I didn't feel like socializing, but I really had to piss. So I pissed in the plant in my room, spilled half of it, mopped it up with an old shirt, and went to bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 560
You deserved it 55 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Really? You'd rather piss in a pot plant than simply ignore everyone while you walk to the toilet.

Why exactly did that seem like a good idea?


ItsApril 0

OP, you live in a country with the luxury of indoor plumbing and yet don't utilize it? I don't understand. If you have that bad of social anxiety, you should live alone. Simple as that.

livedandlaughed 10

Gross. You couldn't have made the trip to the restroom, and just lied and said you did not feel good and that is why you were not socializing?

You must have a really natural scent in your room. And a high humidity. And a rash from wearing urine stained t-shirts. And no girlfriend with habits like that. I can see your next FML already: Today I've been without a girlfriend for 6 years because I piss in the plants, my room smells like a clogged dixie and I'm a socially decrepit low life. FML. Good job, dude! You're going to make it big in this world!

Who said OP worn the urine-stained T-shirt? Sure you're last FML was "Today, I found out no one hangs out with me because I always assume stupid things about them. FML". "You're going to make it big in this world!"

While I think it's a little bit of a YDI (should've thought a little more before peeing in a potted plant), I also feel bad for the OP. I think the fact that she went to such great lengths to avoid people shows that she has some kind of extreme social anxiety disorder.

Not really seeing how this is fml but at least you got some sleep