Whirlwind romance

By Anonymous - 29/01/2022 17:01

Today, I just got home from a wedding and cried for about two straight hours. The bride was my widowed stepmother and the groom was my ex boyfriend. We only split up four months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 451
You deserved it 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

Um...no offense, but why did you go?

On the bright side, they were probably dating for a lot longer than four months. Hmm. That's probably not on the bright side.


On the bright side, they were probably dating for a lot longer than four months. Hmm. That's probably not on the bright side.

Marcella1016 31

Um...no offense, but why did you go?

queenwolfblood 8

She probably didn't know who the groom was. Or was guilt-tripped into going?

wow, just wow.... but I agree.. why did you even go? only reason I can think of is to stay in her good graces and will, or morbid curiosity.

Nhayaa2.0 17

But why? I mean. WHY? Why the hell did you go? I know, I'm not the first one to ask but it's the only reaction to have here.