By no tea parties here, gran - 11/04/2013 17:16 - United States

Today, my racist, homophobic, generally degenerate grandmother visited. Within 20 minutes, she uttered multiple racial slurs, said Robert Downey Jr. will burn in hell for playing a black man in one of his movies, and yelled that she'd "whip the piss" out of me, after I asked her to leave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 715
You deserved it 6 187

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mmkay1515 21

Introduce her to your black boyfriend.

It's funny how often sweet old grannies are hardcore racists.


jeragonm 15

oh f*** that! its the home for her

If she pays for the home fine. Otherwise leave her to her devices. I am sure the Ku Klux Klan has a free place to keep her.

That's no fun though. You don't stick people like that in a home amongst people they're okay with. I would put that racist old Hag in a home so culturally and ethnically diverse, she'd curse the day I was born. She would cause no trouble either for fear of being beat up, and would keep her nasty mouth shut. People like that are cowards and deserve it.

"Whip the piss". I'm totally using thattt

Please don't use that; It is so not hot.

taketheL12 5
blackvyper 8

Your gran must be fun at parties.

MuppetMerkin 10

Your grannie is hilarious! Instead of kicking her out, you should get her on video! (No being racist isn't funny, but old people spouting nonsense is)

Well that seems to be a correlation with anyone with high levels of prejudice for certain groups of people. They seem to believe that because they feel so strongly that other must at least slightly agree.

onorexveritas 23

I feel sorry you have to be related to someone like that

I would date only black or Asian girls ....wait I already do that