By no tea parties here, gran - 11/04/2013 17:16 - United States

Today, my racist, homophobic, generally degenerate grandmother visited. Within 20 minutes, she uttered multiple racial slurs, said Robert Downey Jr. will burn in hell for playing a black man in one of his movies, and yelled that she'd "whip the piss" out of me, after I asked her to leave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 715
You deserved it 6 187

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mmkay1515 21

Introduce her to your black boyfriend.

It's funny how often sweet old grannies are hardcore racists.


If she's talking about Tropic Thunder, actually he's a white guy playing a white guy playing an Australian playing a black guy.

Time for a little valium crushed up in the afternoon coffee wouldn't you say?

Gotta love how old people are closet hardcore racists!

escobar07 10

I like her. Why is this a fml you little ungrateful bastard!!!!

He was the black guy in tropic thunder??!!

"Whip the piss" out of someone... That's a new one on me.

How dare she insult RDJ, he's innocent in all this! She better watch out because Tony Stark and his awesome girlfriend Pepper Pots might get revenge!

Tropic Thunder!! How'd she know about that... Oh my.

I would egg her on to say more, because my dad sold all of my black friends.