By cjw - 06/03/2013 00:07 - United States

Today, my psychopathic ex-girlfriend spray-painted "Free Candy" on the side of my van, knowing damn well I have to park it in front of an elementary school on a daily basis to pick up my daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 584
You deserved it 4 317

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SApprentice 34

Buy a can of spray paint and spray over it. It'll look like hell, but you're going to have to get it fixed anyway, and I doubt you'll be able to make it very far with it the way it is. Oh, and go to the cops if you can. Paint jobs are expensive, and you don't need to deal with that kind of crap.

Just spray paint her address and contact information under the "Free Candy" :)


If you can prove it was her I'd report her to the Police. I'll bet this isn't the only incident you've had with her, so if suggest keeping a log of shit she does written down and **** her over if you can. Sorry man, I really feel for you having to deal with this crazy bitch.

still_guns 16

I think if it's spray painted on, someone's going to notice it's not right. And hopefully someone will have taught the kids 'Stranger Danger' or something. Unfortunately, coppers may be called about the 'suspicious candy man'. In hope the police will understand the situation. God, I hate people like that though. My thoughts are with you and let us know how it goes.

As awful as that is. It's still funny.

Get a restraining order. While you're at it, get someone to change her diaper. She sounds like a baby.

Paint "There is no" just before it and make it a lesson for the kiddos. Or, get on Judge Judy

Buy a car lol save your wallet from bastard gas prices and you wont seem like a pedo even without the paint job

Bitches be crazy OP you better get a retraining order before she does something even worse. Good luck

beanthemouse 13

What a bitch! Was she so IN LOVE with you she would do some bitchy thing like that? :/

Put a little paint thinner on a rag and wipe it off... Nbd.