By cjw - 06/03/2013 00:07 - United States

Today, my psychopathic ex-girlfriend spray-painted "Free Candy" on the side of my van, knowing damn well I have to park it in front of an elementary school on a daily basis to pick up my daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 584
You deserved it 4 317

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SApprentice 34

Buy a can of spray paint and spray over it. It'll look like hell, but you're going to have to get it fixed anyway, and I doubt you'll be able to make it very far with it the way it is. Oh, and go to the cops if you can. Paint jobs are expensive, and you don't need to deal with that kind of crap.

Just spray paint her address and contact information under the "Free Candy" :)


Portland_Jane 4

There are solvents you can use to clean it off that will remove the spray paint without damaging the automotive paint below. You should be able to get one at any auto store or hardware store.

nettieninjah 3

For future reference OP: if one is a psychopath, they are psychotic. Paychopathic is not a real word.

Actually, psychopathic is a word, and psychosis is a very different condition from psychopathy.

juls39393 5

WD-40! It should remove the spray paint without damaging your paint job.

Doesn't your insurance cover vandalism? Especially if you file a police report knowing who did it?

Better watch out before she goes all Jodi Arias on your @$$ lol ... too soon

icepick23 12

YDI for breaking her poor heart

Soooo - was her choice of colors in good taste?

soldiat_fml 17

I kind of imagine it a drippy red. Hopefully OP doesn't own a white rape van.

Whatever you do try to avoid her. You don't want to mess around with this kind of person, you don't know what will happen next.