By Sally - 13/07/2010 09:22 - United States

Today, my parents were ecstatic about sending me to an amazingly fun camp. I didn't know until I got there that it was a fat camp. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 950
You deserved it 13 317

Same thing different taste

Top comments

they were just trying to help you, and make the decision to loose weight for you seeing as you clearly didn't. so YDI unless of course you aren't fat? :/ then FYL


DarkHelmet 10

LOL that's why you ALWAYS read the brochure when ur parents say your going to camp and it might have been more beneficial for them to buy you a gym membership than a ticket to fat camp

iSitt 0

fat kids don't goto gyms so buying them a membership doesn't help. fatcamp is a parent's cry for help.

Guess you need to learn how to spell dumbass.

its kinda like that new tv show...HUGE..

TaylorTotsYumm 10

It'd be funny if the name of the camp was HUGE.

It's actually Camp Victory, but whatever. :)

CrassKal 27

Bury your embarrassment in some ice cream.

they were just trying to help you, and make the decision to loose weight for you seeing as you clearly didn't. so YDI unless of course you aren't fat? :/ then FYL

Considering how much those camps cost, they either really care because you're unhealthy and they want you to get better. Or they don't care at all because you're the next Twiggy, but they needed a place to send you for the summer and Camp _____ had space, so... Worst case, you make some friends, eat some healthy food, and learn about yourself. Best case, you stop complaining about having parents that love you, make some friends, eat some healthy food, and learn about yourself.

It might even be fun - being able to play sports and learn new skills, without being ostracized by your peers. Really OP: be happy that you have parents who care about you.

AlyxxBearr 0

at least they didn't just let u sit they a get even more fat ! u should be thanking them from saving u from future humiliation!

Pulsian 0

wierd how 3 n 4 both have 'bear' in there names?

Fatcamp... Funcamp... whats a few letters between fatasses. ;-) Just be grateful that your parents care enough to actually do something about your situation.

cydnee 0

should we call them funasses?

lol when i first read this I read 'my pants were elastic' haha

DesiGir324 0

If you're that fat OP, thank 'em. They want you to be healthy, that's all.

AlyxxBearr 0

Hey Whered Sarahs Comment Go.? Anyways, your parents made the decision for u to loose weight bcuxz u obviously arent doinq eht. If Thats The Case, Then YDI. Of Ur Not Fat, Then FYL

The amount of grammatical mistakes in this post are too damn high. That's ridiculous. Even if you didn't receive an education your autocorrect should have at least caught some of the multitudinous mistakes.

OP suck it up. I guarntee it's not as bad as hard as the camp I went to this summer.

pvthill 0

shit I bet it as bad as my camp last summer either

cbr600_fml 0

that sucks op u should have sex with another fat person on their bed to get back at them