People never learn

By fmyboss - 13/10/2019 07:00

Today, I was made fun of at work by my mom and my supervisor. I work at a kids' anti-bullying camp. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 804
You deserved it 209

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mathalamus 24

Wow sounds like they need to pull their heads out of their ass's and get their priorities straight they our supposed to be a better influence for the kids their responsible for, If it were me I'd report both of them to whoever is overseeing the camp.


Mathalamus 24

Maybe they were testing you to make sure you were still fit for the job! (Seriously, sucks though. Sorry OP. Are you also really young?)

Wow sounds like they need to pull their heads out of their ass's and get their priorities straight they our supposed to be a better influence for the kids their responsible for, If it were me I'd report both of them to whoever is overseeing the camp.

A whole camp for anti-bullying? That can't Be Best for anyone!

How exactly were they making fun of you?