By Noname - 07/03/2009 17:41 - United States

Today, my friend sent me an instant message, telling me how excited she was that she was accepted to a FIT Summer Program. I told her I was so proud, and that she can finally lose that excess weight. She told me that she meant Fashion Institute of Technology. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 689
You deserved it 70 944

Same thing different taste

Top comments

greatnt249 0

Your friend brought it upon herself if she said "fit" instead of spelling out F.I.T. Still, you should have asked for clarification on what she meant before saying what you did.

That's a very unfortunate slip xP If she just said the word "fit", it's not your fault, but but if she did indeed spell out F.I.T., you're screwed. And #3, it really is called "The Fashion Institute of Technology" lol.


gingerspice 0

Today, I told my friend I was accepted to a FIT Summer Program. She told me she was proud of me that I could finally lose the excess weight. FIT stands for Fashion Institute of Technology.

Damn dog 1 just owned whoever posted that.

greatnt249 0

Your friend brought it upon herself if she said "fit" instead of spelling out F.I.T. Still, you should have asked for clarification on what she meant before saying what you did.

Paradoxasaurus 0

Well... If she were using an abbreviation, she would have said "an FIT" because, verbally, you would say "I got an F on my report card" and that would transfer over to how you would use it in text. If she were saying fit, she would have said "a fit", like someone would say "I saw a fit woman at the gym today." It just seemed odd that you could get that lost in translation... Also, Fashion Institute of Technology? You mean Florida Institute of Technology?

well really should "a F", not "an F". May sound a little funky, but it follows the rules, a before consonants and an before vowels

"f" would be phonetically spelled "eff" so therefore it is an exception to the rule.

sammy18f 9

you're wrong, paradoxsaurus. .... which is really disappointing because I had such high hopes when I saw your username.

That's a very unfortunate slip xP If she just said the word "fit", it's not your fault, but but if she did indeed spell out F.I.T., you're screwed. And #3, it really is called "The Fashion Institute of Technology" lol.

it actually is her fault for calling her out on her weight.

liveitlearnit 0

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lol you look like your fingering yourself

Who in the world? Like everyone, lol. unless they're into that kind of thing (which I'm not), I doubt people know that there's a Fashion Institute of Technology. it's also just a plain ridiculous sounding name

ooohh... did you know that she was applying for FIT? #7, if she said FIT without the periods, some acronyms w/out periods, so it could have been fit or F.I.T. besides, if she said it in an instant message then she wouldn't say "F-I-T", she's just put FIT which could be either way

alex_vik 0

#8 - Sorry that not everyone pays attention to design schools. I never heard of it before, and besides, FIT is a word, so it's easy to mistake it for not being an acronym.