By Sarah - 25/08/2009 16:04 - United Kingdom

Today, my mother was cleaning out my underwear drawer and found my vibrator. Everytime I see her in the hall, she just cracks up and makes jokes about how I can't get a guy, so I have to rely on electronics. What's worse, she told my dad AND posted a status on facebook about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 617
You deserved it 10 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL for having such an immature mother. o.o That's unbelievable.

Jess_Love 0

wait why was she cleaning out your underwear drawer?


esklstar 0

your moms a bitch. show her all these comments she will know shes immature.

idt thats a gud idea cuz after all shes ur mom

Ligerie 0

Why the **** would your mom broadcast your sex life? You have a trashy mom. FYL

Like #39 said, if you're old enough to have a vibrator, maybe you should create some boundaries too? And tell her to stop being a bitch, I mean seriously, what mother tells her daughter that she can't get guys and has to rely on a vibrator?

So...your Mom would rather you **** every many in the UK to get your sexual urges over with rather than using an electronic vibrator, which is a lot safer? What a ******* moron.

Your mother cleans out your underwear drawer? That's your main problem. Start cleaning your own room and doing your own laundry and you won't have this problem.

thats the worst idea ever! OP just hide ur better next time

debo123 0

That's childish for any mother to do.

Bleedingclaw 0

That's.......i'm sorry....but..HILARIOUS! Hide your toys next time XD

OMGitsKaleyxo 0

why was your mom cleaning out ur underwear drawer? and ur moms pretty immature.