Mixed signals

By Jazminn - 25/04/2024 06:00 - United States - Miami

Today, one of my friends confessed his love for me and said he wanted to be more than friends. Jaded by guys who only wanted one thing, I pushed him away saying, “Oh really, is that what you think you need to say to get in my pants?” He frowned and stormed off. Later, I found out he really did want a relationship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 78
You deserved it 977

Same thing different taste

Top comments

d j mom 8

if he is a friend, shouldn't you have had a conversation with him before acting like a drama queen?!?

So, now the test of whether your character is worthwhile: Apologise to him.


d j mom 8

if he is a friend, shouldn't you have had a conversation with him before acting like a drama queen?!?

So, now the test of whether your character is worthwhile: Apologise to him.

Apologize to him. Tell him you were wrong. If he will listen tell him why you reacted the way you did. He may not know how badly you've been hurt by men. If you feel the same about him maybe you'll both be able to start a relationship.

Wow, if your head gets any bigger, it'll fall off. Shockingly, not every single guy wants to get in your pants. Must be nice to have your level of confidence.