What? It's Caturday!

By Anonymous - 18/03/2023 12:00 - United States

Today, I discovered that the reason my neighbors have been giving me weird looks while whispering to each other lately is because I've started walking my cat on a leash, and this is apparently "a cause for concern about my mental health." FML
I agree, your life sucks 917
You deserved it 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You don't walk the cat, my friend. The cat walks you :)

This is becoming more and more common. Some cats enjoy it, you just have to train them for it. I've seen some people instead get a "cat" stroller. Why should only dogs get to go and enjoy the outdoors?


You don't walk the cat, my friend. The cat walks you :)

Cat? leash? Walk? How did you get to that situation?

This is becoming more and more common. Some cats enjoy it, you just have to train them for it. I've seen some people instead get a "cat" stroller. Why should only dogs get to go and enjoy the outdoors?