By Anonymous - 28/11/2016 06:34

Today, I was talking to my mother when we both heard a continuous buzzing noise. Unable to locate the source of the noise we gave up. About an hour later, my mother yells down the stairs to me. Turns out my dog stole my vibrator, chewed it and presented it to my mother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 420
You deserved it 1 582

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Idea for brilliant invention: a line of sex toys that look like household electronics. If they're ever found (or chewed up and presented), the viewer will just think it's a standard electric razor, toothbrush, or bulky old cellphone.

MetalxSoldier 26


Oh wow, how embarrassing! Sorry that had to happen to you OP!

foxesntea 22

I had this exact nightmare once, I'm sorry op!

Idea for brilliant invention: a line of sex toys that look like household electronics. If they're ever found (or chewed up and presented), the viewer will just think it's a standard electric razor, toothbrush, or bulky old cellphone.

turnabouttrial 21

I imagine the only problem with this is that you'd inevitably start to associate certain household objects with masturbation

They actually do. They have sex toys that look like lipstick and a toothbrush and things like that. I'm not sure the quality in comparison to regular sex toys but I guess if you don't want such situations to happen then you might deal with it.

Just imagine the pain if, in the heat of the moment, you confuse your ordinary iron with the vibrator-iron...

Then you go to apply ointment to the burn, twist the cap, and BZZZZZZZZZZ!

So, if the dog thinks your mom needs a chewed-up vibrator, what does that say about Dad's abilities and efforts in the boudoir?

Yeah, but he did that work about 20 years ago.

I don't think the dog knows what a vibrator is if it's biting it up. probably thought it was a toy

MetalxSoldier 26

Soon as I read "buzzing noise" I immediately thought vibrator. I guess it's because I've read so many FMLs involving vibrators and other embarrassing situations similar to this.

Wow, your dog must hate you. Is it a bitch, by any chance?

You went a bit further for that joke than you really needed to.