By Sarah - 25/08/2009 16:04 - United Kingdom

Today, my mother was cleaning out my underwear drawer and found my vibrator. Everytime I see her in the hall, she just cracks up and makes jokes about how I can't get a guy, so I have to rely on electronics. What's worse, she told my dad AND posted a status on facebook about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 619
You deserved it 10 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL for having such an immature mother. o.o That's unbelievable.

Jess_Love 0

wait why was she cleaning out your underwear drawer?


Why was she cleaning out your underwear drawer??? And besides that, your parents are really being childish... Everyone uses them- including married couples. Don't worry... And erase your parents off your facebook please. Block them and tell them you deleted it or something.

YDI for making your mother clean out your drawers.

blackxmortals 0

don't worry. vibrators work better than lots of guys anyway, so if she doesn't know that, she's been missing out and the joke's on her! xD

IrReSiStAbLe88 0

Go up to your mom all excited and be all, "Mom!!! I finally threw that old thing away and am now enjoying real meat whenever I want! Their names are Tommy and Chris! They're amazing, you were SO right!

HRaeH 0

Your Mom's a c*nt. Maybe you should put locks on your drawers, or something.

lol, my mom bought me my first vibrator and said it was safer than sleeping around

N3VVRmiNd 0

She shouldn't have been rummaging through your stuff!

No offence but your mom needs to get a ******* life if she gets a kick out of messing with her own daughter. FYL!

so... your mother was cleaning out your underwear drawer whyyy? thats strange! lmao!