By Sarah - 25/08/2009 16:04 - United Kingdom

Today, my mother was cleaning out my underwear drawer and found my vibrator. Everytime I see her in the hall, she just cracks up and makes jokes about how I can't get a guy, so I have to rely on electronics. What's worse, she told my dad AND posted a status on facebook about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 617
You deserved it 10 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL for having such an immature mother. o.o That's unbelievable.

Jess_Love 0

wait why was she cleaning out your underwear drawer?


Antonio718 0

Wow fake as shit. This is a pretty generic one. The only difference is the facebook part... "Today, my mom was cleaning my sock drawer..... "Today I was looking for socks in my moms sock drawer.... "Today, my mom found..... Similar....

So just because people share similar experiences, it means it's fake.

Don't feel bad or anything. You're mother is just really immature. Don't listen to her. Be the bigger person. :)

marlux 0

thats so messed up, use yur hands next time so she wouldnt find out

idc wut u did #94 not all ppl r as gr8 as u, k so dont **** around son

1) Find the most disgusting, horrible guy you can. 2) **** him on your parents' bed. Mostly on your mom's side. 3) Make sure you mom finds out. If you can't get her to walk in on you at the moment of ecstasy, make sure you leave a with a huge wet spot where you mom sleeps. 4) Wipe off the guy's dick (and his ass while you are at it) with you mom's pillowcase. 5) Post a picture of the nasty guy naked on your mom;s Facebook page with the note, "Look ma, I got a guy!" Revenge taken. Mom 3, Daughter 500!

rofl... now thats hilarious i literarly rofl

checkthegate11 0

totally deserved it. why was your mom leaning out your underwear drawer?? and i agree with everyone else when they say if you're old enough to own a vibrator, you're old enough to do your own freakin' laundry.

Did it ever occur to you that parents purposely snoop through their children's stuff?

mo_the_owl 0

fyl for having a mother that is a complete bitch

bluegrlcry 0

um im actually not ALLOWED to do my laundry. im not sure why... i think my mom thinks ill put to much soap in it

go find your parents sex toys (100% sure they have them) take pictures of them post them around her work saying look what I found mother... what a ****.