Smell good

By Anonymous - 02/12/2019 19:00 - Australia

Today, I was doing the laundry and changing the bed sheets. I found most of my underwear under my step daughters bed, when I asked her, she said that she liked the way they smelled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 658
You deserved it 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How old is she? Old enough to think she's flirting, or still young enough that she doesn't know better? Is she smelling them before or after they're washed, and she just likes the smell of the detergent you use? How did you not realize sooner that most of your underwear was missing?


How old is she? Old enough to think she's flirting, or still young enough that she doesn't know better? Is she smelling them before or after they're washed, and she just likes the smell of the detergent you use? How did you not realize sooner that most of your underwear was missing?

PenguinPal3017 19

Omg we could definitely be friends. I literally thought I was the only one 😂