By thanks a lot mom - 28/12/2014 06:52 - United States - Sloughhouse

Today, my mom and I went to exchange a massive stuffed animal, which was meant for my niece. I was carrying it when I saw a really hot guy looking at me funny. My mom snickered and told him that I never go anywhere without "George". FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 176
You deserved it 3 420

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saucyrossi 18

Plot twist: George is the guy she was looking at


This is why I leave my parents at home whenever I go anywhere.

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A monkey named George? That makes me curious to what that could mean.

A wild genius? Watch out, man. With a name like that people will be throwing pokéballs at you every time you appear.

saucyrossi 18

Plot twist: George is the guy she was looking at

i think it's actually pretty funny what she did

tattoomom88 9

parents sole purpose is to embarrass their offspring every chance they get

haha it's our duty to troll our children ;)