By anonymous - 24/10/2010 16:14 - United States

Today, I went on a movie date with a guy. He brought his mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 653
You deserved it 4 077

Same thing different taste


twinny_sc 13

#6 Should have been a red flag when he asked you to meet him there.

KingDingALing 9

Was his dad there when you and that guy had sex, OP?

aw..... we are all mama's boys in the end.

oboewhore_xD 6

I'd give him a chance. Just sneak out and leave his mom in the theatre. People who get the least amount of freedom normally have the most amount of fun when out.

CiaranPM 0

I do not understand, this is custom in India. we are to bring our mother to the first 15 dates and then she will decide if the girl is good to continue seeing. mother knows best.

if you haven't noticed, california isn't in india

TheDamnDrifter 1

#67 that must suck 15 dates u hav 2 bring ur mom? What if shes dead?

Elixa 0

That's sad that spinning in a chair is your version of a "little fun". Fun is working your way up the corporate ladder, and after that incident, the only way your going to do that, is to walk in to your bosses office say you've been a very bad girl or boy and need a spanking.

DeesFMLs 0

hhahaha #102 you dipstick lol

If he's over 20, then he probably lives with her too.

Then he's broke. And nobody likes poor people.

Movie dates as a first date usually suck. Too common anyway. Worse date of my life was a movie date..I ended up paying for both of our tickets, the guy didn't even ask where to pick me up, just told me to meet him there. Then I had to pay for his large drink and his large popcorn and his candy..(I didn't get anything for myself) he didn't pay for a thing. Then he tried to kiss me during the movie, his breath smelled horribly of ketchup =/..and he had the nerve to ask to do it again next weekend -_- I feel for ya. Better luck with the next guy.

Wow. The guy actually did that to ya? I guess I'm old school or something, but I'd pay for the quite a few dates for someone I'm dating. I did that for my ex too, even though she insisted on paying. Just something I do. Can't believe he did that to ya.

Erm, why ketchup? Is that a common poocorn topping where you live? I don't understand how you were forced to pay for his snacks. I don't mind paying for a date but, tbh, I'd expect him to pay because he asked me out. If he doesn't even offer (or at the very least offer an excuse) the date is over.

cradle6 13

That's unacceptable. I pay for every date every time.

Now you know what a guy goes through when he has to pay for everything.

shakethat 10

it's not that bad paying. u can't expect them to pay every time. 1st date is different but I always offer to at least pay for the snacks. I don't think guys should pay every single time they'll nvr wanna take u out it gets expensive.

Hgielad_720 0
Hgielad_720 0
Hgielad_720 0
Hgielad_720 0

Aww, how sad. Well keep trying, I'm sure you'll get it. :)

KaleidoscopePope 0

39 it can't be a one day special if it's lasting all week ;)

Hgielad_720 0

my silly what??? the suspense is killing me!!!

goldfishdragon91 0
darude908 1

he's a pussy that likes pussy... hmm does that make him a lesbian?

She probably just gave him a ride, and wanted to see the movie herself. No big deal.

It's a big deal on pretty much any level and at any age, especially if it's a first date and/or if he didn't talk with her about it ahead of time so she could bow out if desired.

JayBear14 11

Anybody consider they could be like 9?

They could be. If it was kids, then yes, they should have supervision. So my original comment can be taken seriously. If they are legal adults, then my comment can be taken as sarcasm.