By PokeWife - 06/02/2013 13:38 - United States - Omaha

Today, my husband started a conversation with, "In Pokémon…" and ended the same conversation with "…and that's why we should divorce." FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 306
You deserved it 4 524

Same thing different taste

Top comments

farewellthebeast 8

Wife uses pre-nup... It's super effective.


Looks like he was on the quest to catch 'em all.

I'm curious how long the actual conversation was?

Maybe you should have let him Squirtle all over your Jigglypuff's more often.

Maybe his Thrust ran out of PP so he had to go to the Pokecenter, and Nurse Joy seduced him. That foul temptress.

I believe that was good sir Ludacris from the song "Nasty Girl"

That's one hell of a segue. I'm wondering how he got from Pokemon to divorce, unless he was trying to mess with your head.

I have to know the rest of the sentence now.

This is a bit of a Gastly situation, and I hope it works out well for Mewtwo.

he probably wants to move on to other women because he's "gotta catch 'em all!"

"In Pokémon, ten year-olds, like Ash, act like adults. And since you act like an adult, in the Pokémon world, you'd be thought of as acting like a kid. Therefore, I feel like I'm married to a ten year-old, which would make me a pedophile. I don't wanna feel like a pedophile. And that's why we should get a divorce."

While I agree FYL, that's an impressive feat to connect those two.