By PokeWife - 06/02/2013 13:38 - United States - Omaha

Today, my husband started a conversation with, "In Pokémon…" and ended the same conversation with "…and that's why we should divorce." FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 306
You deserved it 4 524

Same thing different taste

Top comments

farewellthebeast 8

Wife uses pre-nup... It's super effective.


He took one pikachu and decided you were Onyx-eptable for him.

I don't wanna jinx it for op but i think she'll get out of the mucky situation. Have some ice cream squirtle some sprinkles and cheer up :D

perdix 29

#15, that was some pucking good funning there!

perdix 29

#38, ah, yes, that's like the difference between the tribe of clever Pygmies and the girls' track team. By the way, your Pokemon punning reveals a deep knowledge of the subject. I hope this FML, as well as a few other recent ones, teaches you to keep this passion to yourself when you are with the ladies. ;)

Sir_ND_Pity 35

He Bidoof more than he could chew, so now, OP, Abra-Kadabra-Alakazam, he's gonna Raichu some divorce papers :/ you should put Snorlax-atives in his coffee

mega20913 8

her husband sounds very dragonair

Well you just didn't evolve the way your husband wanted you to.

Epic name OP. Sorry about your husband though.

Is it just me who's curious about what the rest of the conversation was?

In Pokemon you know how when Charmeleon evolves it Charizard it Iearns to hate everyone especially his trainer? your the trainer, and that's why we should divorce.

Actually, Ash's Charizard hated him as a Charmeleon, too.

joethebiden 8

The fact that the conversation started with those words should hopefully comfort you about its conclusion being the best for you in the end.

Those words reduced their relationship to Ash.

I think he's spending too much time watching tv and not enough time on his wife. Why marry someone if your not going to make an effort to stay with them?

TheDrifter 23

I blame us. Too many of us have tried new age parenting and raised a generation of perpetual infants, uncomprehending of the harsh truths of reality, stuck in a fantasy world with a "why fix it when I can throw it away and find another" mentality.

WhisperSoflty 20

46 - EXACTLY. It makes me crazy to watch parents now. They have no spine, just letting their children run the household like the kids pay the bills. And having to deal with the product of such pathetic parenting attempts is maddening. These types of kids have no concept of what it means to try really hard, so hard that it almost breaks you down, which means that they will never feel the immense satisfaction of true success.

his judgement is Ghastly. a little clouded. possibly Misty.

lemme guess, you never gave him the lickitung?

Satoaoi 13

I hope you signed a pre nup then Cuz he sounds like a lunatic. using Pokemon as an excuse to divorce you. for shame Pokemon have more dignity than that

he gavr you the stone and you didn't evolve