By Anonymous - 26/01/2013 22:20 - Denmark - Fredericia

Today, my husband quit his stable job of 12 years at the bank to pursue a career selling kites. If we don't end up homeless because of this, god knows we will when he has a real mid-life crisis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 525
You deserved it 3 679

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him that you were going to pursue a career as a crack *****, so you won't become homeless

diving_fml 30

a man should be proud of what he does, even if it is selling kites, although that should have been his weekend job and not his primary job


Tell him that you were going to pursue a career as a crack *****, so you won't become homeless

The kite market is experiencing a huge rise in sales recently actually. I could see him being very succe.. Who the **** am I actually kidding right now?

SerenaSerenadex3 13
SerenaSerenadex3 13

I didn't read that last part. Sorry, I'll crawl back under my rock now.

Why wouldn't this be a real mid-life crisis?

Wishez 12

Cause he isn't midway through life?

I made a living selling bridges. It was a great business, until someone decided to make my customers synonymous with gullible people... Business hasn't been the same since.

diving_fml 30

a man should be proud of what he does, even if it is selling kites, although that should have been his weekend job and not his primary job

wlddog 14

He is most likely lowering his income for a divorce later. I have heard of business partners selling their shares of the companies to their buddies, then working at Mc Donalds for a while, so the judge can not say they have to pay large amounts of spouse payments. Can't squeeze blood from a rock.

if I ever get a divorce not of my own choosing I'm taking your advice

wlddog 14

LoL, i did not come up with it. But if she ends up becoming a greedy bitch you know the divorce is going to drag out forever. May as well bite the bullet and quit your good paying job.

Is there any place on earth, that you would make a good living selling sites? If anyone knows let OP know, so that OPs family could move there for a stable life.

I know a good place to sell sites. It's called the Internet.

I meant kites. Dawn autocorrect. Thanks for pointing out the mistake. I usually spell check, but I guess that I forgot to.

In Afghanistan they like kites, it's like a national sport there. They mafe a movie about that theme, "The Kiterunner" I recommend it.

friedpwnadge 25

He needs to get his head out of the clouds. If he wants to do that he can always do it and pay you alimony instead of forcing you to suffer.

But alimony is based on the difference between his income and hers so she's screwed either way.

So you are suggesting a divorce? Stupid. OP go talk to your husband about this instead.

I am going to assume that she does, but seeing as they were married and he has had this job for 12 years, I am also assuming that they were both paying their share of bills. She's probably worried because her job alone wouldn't cover everything. On the other hand, if she doesn't have a job, it's time she finds one.

let's go fly a kite, up to the highest height. let's go fly a kite and send it soaring out where the air is clear out in the atmosphere oh let's go, fly a kite.

I've heard the demand on kites is about to skyrocket.

hawright 13

How is the kite business in today's economy? Sounds legit....

Eh, I think this is all blowing way out of proportion

The dope business is almost as high as the kite business.