Midlife crisis in style

By Anonymous - 15/03/2022 14:00

Today, my husband started his midlife crisis with a bang, or rather several bangs, as he admitted that there are two women out there pregnant with his babies. Oh, and he quit his job to escape the daily grind. Oh, and he remortgaged the house to buy a truck so we could go cross country. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 463
You deserved it 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So file for a divorce, tell him he can keep the house, and go live your new single life.

Sounds like he’s ready to lose a wife too. He can recapture his youth by hitting the dating pool once again.


Welp, he's obviously a great catch, it'd be very sad for you to let him go. Hope you enjoy the white trash cross country trip.

Sounds like he’s ready to lose a wife too. He can recapture his youth by hitting the dating pool once again.

So file for a divorce, tell him he can keep the house, and go live your new single life.

Sounds like you've been replace X2. Move on live a great life while suffers through the s-storm of a life he made for himself.