By Anonymous - 11/05/2015 16:06 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, my girlfriend surprised me with what was allegedly a birthday "cake". It was so horribly deformed, I wasn't sure whether to eat it or wear it as a hat. I had to pretend it didn't taste like play-doh, and ended up throwing it up in the toilet. Happy birthday to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 302
You deserved it 4 516

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should be happy that someone went through the effort to try to make you happy, even if it didn't turn out great.

Depending on how close you two are or how long you have been in the relationship, you could have just told her. I'm sure if she had some too and you weren't saying anything, she was thinking it too and just wasn't saying anything either. If you had have said something maybe she would have understood and took you out somewhere or went and bought you a new cake instead :)


Now, honesty is the best policy. You should probably tell it her tastes "not to par", so she won't think that it was something she should give to someone else, who might really hurt her feelings.

Are you sure it wasn't play-doh? Maybe it was an art project.

Cyrus00 41

You are a thoughtful boyfriend!

PePziNL 20

I love the wording on this FML.

Just pretend that you are so happy that you throw up

Props for not being a total jerk about it in front of her!

tehdarkness 21

You should show her Pinterest!