By embarrassed - 18/08/2014 16:39 - United States - Great Neck

Today, I went to a baseball game with my girlfriend's dad. I got a boner when they sang the anthem, because that's what I sing in my head when having sex with his daughter so I last longer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 628
You deserved it 20 501

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ShadowlessSpear 21

Hopefully he didnt ask what it was and poke it.

Oh say, can you see? By my dick's early rise...


ShadowlessSpear 21

Hopefully he didnt ask what it was and poke it.

Kyle1dc 17
cryssycakesx3 22

Comment moderated for rule-breaking.

Show it anyway

#108 some who got his his dick poked by his friend because his friend saw it poking out by his pocket and asked him whathe got there

JocelynKaulitz 28

Just repeat the pledge of allegiance until it goes away.

You've got it backward 114, Mike was the one who poked his friends dick.

I agree that would be awkward if he noticed. And spark some bad questions.

No he was with his girlfriend's dad.

Ya I re-read it and corrected myself, sorry for that.

Lets hope he noticed, for the daughters sake lol

Your profile picture just proves how amazing you are.

Oh say, can you see? By my dick's early rise...

Kyle1dc 17

Oh so proudly we hailed, at my boners hard feeling.

Whose broad girth and bright eye, Through the tiresome night o'er the ramparts she watched, as it stood, liquid streaming. (too far?)

Kyle1dc 17

You say too far, I say not far enough....

Kyle1dc 17

In the woman's red glare, me cumming inside there. Gave proof through the night, that my dick was still there. I'm done for a while...

dude i love u haha (jk) tht was pure genius

Your pic looks like it's singing. I wish I could double like this

did anybody else sing the whole song thing

At least you didn't Catch any Foul looks from her father!

I'm going to put a shortstop to this pun chain before it goes any farther

This thread still has another 2 strikes #12, no need to be so bunt about it...

As much as I'd like to slide into this chain, perhaps I should just bench myself.

izntdan 14

Wow guys all of these puns have really been home runs

Kyle1dc 17

I'm not gonna be a hardball about this but we better stop before someone throws a fastball past us.

cryssycakesx3 22
Kyle1dc 17
BubbleGrunge 18
cryssycakesx3 22
cjwayy 22

This chain started out great but turned foul quickly.

Did I miss "Peanut butter jelly time"?

Those 3 strikes I talked about are way out of the park....

Classical conditioning at its finest.

Classical conditioning at it's finest... When I was in the US Army in the 90's, I beat off so much in the shower that I still get a hardon ever time it rains.

Kyle1dc 17

Who kind of 'murican doesn't get a hard on from the national anthem?!

LostInTheZone11 29

Well, that's one odd way to salute.

at least he's standing up for the national anthem.. national pride I must say

perfect song for flag raising ceremony...

Find a song that her father doesn't like or listen to. That should fix any future awkward "problems" with him.

It isn't that the girlfriend's father enjoyed listening to the song, it's the fact that OP and said father were at a baseball game. The anthem was unavoidable.