By why me - 22/05/2011 23:09

Today, my girlfriend made me watch six hours of "Glee" with her. I don't know what I hate the most, the fact that I actually sat there and watched it or that I'm angry at Finn for breaking up with Rachel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 761
You deserved it 37 035

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jackiemoonthepro 5

now you ruined it for me thanks a lot dick

take hold of your balls before they fall off


Herropreez17 0

Quick!!! Get this man to an PS3 and some COD Black Ops STAT!!! (An X Box will also work)

dolphingirl46559 1

Glee is amazing so y r u complaining...just admit tht ur a gleek cuz if u care about finn and rachel then ur definately a gleek :)

AtomicBryce 0

well it shows that ur a good bf for watching it with her

I have a friend that watched the first 2 seasons in 2 days. He was THAT bored. O.o