By Adoptee - 22/05/2011 23:09 - United Kingdom

Today, after eighteen years of living with my adoptive parents, I met my biological mum for the first time. She's a forty year old, 300lb American woman who wears 'Twilight' t-shirts and will be spending the rest of her visit to the UK trying to find Robert Pattinson. She says I remind her of herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 644
You deserved it 4 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if I were you I would thank her for putting me up for adoption


badbe 0

Wonder why she gave you up then, eh?

Flutist 3

Her father was not a vampire.

She couldn't find the right wine to eat her with?

Takador 3

*Britsh accent* Silly Americans with their greasy food!

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wikkedphuka 0

all i can say is this comment is mean as *** ughh u need ur klit chopped off

Flutist 3

I understand the comment might have seemed mean, but it does kind of make you wonder why the Op's mom gave her up all those years ago? Oh, well, no skin off my back. "All I can say is this comment is mean as ****. Ugh, you need to have your clit chopped off."

if I were you I would thank her for putting me up for adoption

carnage1108 0

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No kidding. Really dodged a bullet on that one.

spasticsam717 9

what has this world come to...

btnhdude 0

i didn't. maybe I did. what the **** did you guys read?!?!

btnhdude 0

ooooh you guys read twilight no I didn't read that shit

iamtwiggyme 0

39 yes, if the entirety of Twilight is written on her bathroom mirror.

btnhdude 0

ooh I see your name should be "iamwittyme" instead

I read it too. And I have something clever to go in your box........ (Sorry, too easy!)

Ouch, OP. On the other hand, you do have another set of parents who are hopefully less embarressing, unlike most children of Twilight obsessed mothers...

Skelanimal15 0

thats definatly a plus...bc when the OP described her... THE HORROR!!!!!

So is twilight only popular/ hated in America?

Why do you think she's that big? She keeps watching twilight over and over.

emmanizzer 6

i looooove Glee! But it's still not as good as Supernatural :)

dolphingirl46559 1

ok im not fat and i like a huuuuuuge fan...and im also a gleek...gleeks r dangerous

So your not chubby, but your a "huuuuuuge" fan? ;p

I feel so bad for you OP. But hey, look on the bright side. At least your biological mother isn't the one that raised you.