Magic underwear

By Anonymous - 10/01/2022 22:59

Today, my date decided not to have sex with me after she saw I wear Y-fronts, Tighty Whities to some of you, instead of boxers, so she couldn’t take me seriously as a grown man wearing underwear normally worn by children under 10 years-old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 239
You deserved it 2 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why not split the difference between boxers and tighty whities and wear boxer briefs?

Sounds like you dodged a bullet there. She sounds annoying.


randybryant799 20

I don't blame her. it's not an attractive look on a man.

Why not split the difference between boxers and tighty whities and wear boxer briefs?

Exactly how old are you? Seriously, at some point you should grow up and so should your undergarments.

Sounds like you dodged a bullet there. She sounds annoying.

Royal Sataness 4

you're an adult sweetheart, it's time to drop the underoos

Yanno those things kill your swimmys, is that why you wear them?

Glitterbaby2613 20

honestly it's your choice, who cares what kind of under wear you wear, just as long as they're clean and no holes🙄😒. people are so ignorant, there are much more important things in this world to worry about 🤷. sounds to me like the b**** was just trying to find any reason to not sleep with you.

rotflqtms_ 21

That's how you refer to women eh? Neither of them have to sleep with the other. If they don't want to, they don't have to. She has every right to decline sex. Just because they went on a date doesn't guarantee they'll have sex. She can use any excuse not to do so. Even if you find her reason stupid, it's her reason.

Because that reason is absolutely pathetic and judgemental and she should be ashamed

If they are only for children why do they make them in adult sizes?

xTwistedx 9

What a dumb bitch….it’s healthier for your sperm,there’s a few benefits of wearing tightys lol try a boy leg cut…gives the same support but looks similar to boxers

Nah shes a flop who needs to stop being judgemental. If you did the same to her for wearing granny panties she would flip her lid. I wear y fronts for work because they are the only underwear ive worn at work that stop me getting mad ball chafing.