By why me - 22/05/2011 23:09

Today, my girlfriend made me watch six hours of "Glee" with her. I don't know what I hate the most, the fact that I actually sat there and watched it or that I'm angry at Finn for breaking up with Rachel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 761
You deserved it 37 035

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jackiemoonthepro 5

now you ruined it for me thanks a lot dick

take hold of your balls before they fall off


Glee is awesome!!! You're gf is one smart cookie! :P

hryffff 11

Nobody likes Rachel good for finn

Glee! SUCKS, but no worries, Finn overdosed and died

So how is this an FML? Glee is an amazing show! What's so wrong with it?

good man. watch that shit with your lady!

JaysBae 19

Lol omgeeeeeee OP I laughed so hard at this!! Its cute tho that you watched with her!! ♥♥♥ you really love her...and btw I was mad she did tooooooo!