By PetitPrincePerdu - 08/05/2009 00:42 - United States

Today, I found my mother wandering the halls of my fraternity unescorted and asked why she was here, she told me she was concerned when I didn't pick up my phone for two days. She then informed me that she had also moved to the same city I live in. My mother moved over 600 miles to stalk me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 907
You deserved it 5 067

Same thing different taste

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Today, I tried calling my son yet again, and got no response. I've been calling him for days. I'm worried out of my mind and I'm going to move 600 miles to be with him. FML

You couldn't call her back after your hangover ended?


Today, I tried calling my son yet again, and got no response. I've been calling him for days. I'm worried out of my mind and I'm going to move 600 miles to be with him. FML

hahaLexinater 0

doesnt sound THAT bad when you put it that way

SaucyNuttBugget 7

I wish my mom was in the same city as me and not 2800 miles away. Soak up the time with her - she's not always going to be there for you.

You couldn't call her back after your hangover ended?

@1: Stop doing the response FMLs. They're not funny @OP: That is a bit weird but you know how mothers are (or you don't). She's just worried about you and it's probably the longest you've been away from her. I know my mother's over-protective (though maybe not as overprotective as yours...)

Just because you don't find something funny doesn't mean others don't...

junjouromantica 0

That will be my mom in the future. She already insists on walking me home. I'm fourteen and my school is only a mile away.

sunshyne84_fml 0

my mom did some bullshit like that and was talkin to my teachers and stuff and sendin me emails talkin about she was gonna call the police and report me as missing, ****** psycho mom!!!

#1: I agree with #3. We all hate you, go away. OP: I hate mothers who can't cut the freaking umbilical cord. All I heard when people found out I was moving to Japan at 18 was: "Ohmygod, my parents would NEVER let me do that!" Uhm, at 18 years old, you are an adult and should be treated as such. I would thoroughly scold my mother for doing something like that because it means she didn't respect me. Granted, I love my mother to death, and we are really close, but she isn't THAT ridiculous.

fantome_fml 0

Maybe if you answered your phone every once and a while she wouldn't have moved 600 miles so her ungreatful son would atleast awknowledge her existance...ever think about that huh? lol

if my mom walked the halls of my frat... well shed 4sure pull me out of school! and it would just make her worry more about my life haha

#5: Were you in high school? If so, she has every right to stay in contact with your teachers. She should be. It means she cares. Until you're 18, you belong to your parents, so just suck it up and be patient for that day to come.

I highly doubt OP is under 18. It is stated that the school in question is 600 miles away from where she lived and mentioned fraternity, therefore more than likely college. Get your act together

sunshyne84_fml 0

#7 have u been to college, ppl are really busy especially if u r in a frat u dont spend a lot of time at home unless u are sleeping or cleaning urself up, its time for mom to let go!! she could have sent an email or just left a message and let him call back or something, anything!