By surprise - 11/12/2009 21:04 - United States

Today, I was getting ready to go to a surprise party I'd planned for my best friend. All was going well on the discretion part until I logged onto Facebook. I saw that my sister had set her status to, "At Natalie's surprise party! BBL!" Natalie had liked it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 146
You deserved it 3 294

Same thing different taste

Top comments

.........yea, not first :) but seriously,...that happened to my friend once. lol, everyone who planned it didnt talk to that guy for a while.


.........yea, not first :) but seriously,...that happened to my friend once. lol, everyone who planned it didnt talk to that guy for a while.

What do they have internet in kitchens nowadays? Wow time goes fast

lalalaloveit 0

55 I didn't know that either and I'm a brunette :(

actually dicktard it wasn't until you said that, guys can be blonde too

55 was talking about the sister not the one who asked what bbl means

Lol beat ur sister! Have a mustard sammich on me. Btw idc if its not a surprise or not a party is a party.

evangldbrg 0

Why bother to say that. It's retarded enough when people say "first". If you aren't first, we can see what number you are so why bother posting such a dumbass comment?

Because people like you respond to it. :] Congratulations on being 3rd!

it's more annoying to see comments in response to it.

razz27 0

this is why you should use facebook or myspace.

Sun_Kissed18 25

I assume you mean shouldn't? Otherwise that doesn't really make sense. Either way, thats not a very good argument against those sites.

Well, that's not really an FML unless you spent like a year planning it.

Haha. Ouch. Either your sister's a dipstick or you must've done something really nasty to deserve that.

ensemble_coeur 0

aw that's too bad! Even if your sister was mad at YOU, this girl didn't really deserve to have her surprise ruined! shame on your sister!

Emmeleia 8

ummm this is not a fml lol how is your life ******... boo hoo your surprise party is ruined.. but hold on Natalie "liked" it... wtf is the problem then your in her good books get over it! do better next time and try not to fail -.-

Compared to other lot of the other ones this is closer to fml

captaincanoe 0

I seriously wonder how FML like this get passed. How is your life ****** by your friend finding out about her surprise party? so she found out not a big deal in the slightest. I'm sure she will still appreciate the work you put in

kitties_fml 12

are you stupid? do you know what an FML is? it's supposed to be an anecdote relating "the shitty moment which ruined [one's] day" (taken from the FAQ). working hard to successfully plan a surprise party and then having your idiot sister ruin the surprise at the last moment definitely qualifies. edit: meant to be a reply to #11....sorry #13, didn't mean to take such a belligerent tone with you (though your comment says basically the same thing as #11)