By anonymous - 21/02/2011 05:01

Today, my girlfriend called me and asked me if I wanted to have phone sex with her. We got into it. It took us 13 minutes to figure out my mom had been on the other line the whole time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 982
You deserved it 14 926

Same thing different taste

Top comments

and she didn't feel the need to hang up? Ew..

crystal_james 0

The fact that your mom was listening to you have phone sex is pretty disturbing. But YDI for using the home phone...


That's why I always use a cellphone when I have phone sex with my girlfriend.

But for those of us who don't have a subscription, that can be very expensive.

your moms a perv if she didn't just hang up...

a123bubblyblonde 0

I just found out today my mom and i use the same vibrator.... and i also found out she has herpes FML

i agree with 45 thats just wrong of your mom to stay on the line quiet for that long...either she could have said something right from the start or hang up

Me too. only Cellphone use during phone sex with my mom.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Did anyone else catch what #86 said? "Only a cell phone use during phone sex with my mom."..... wtf? Lol.

and she didn't feel the need to hang up? Ew..

CelesteRenee93 0

2 profile picture hotness win :D OP YDI for havin phone sex on a house phone idiot?!

why the hell did she keep listining any way thats realy creepy i would just hang up

crystal_james 0

The fact that your mom was listening to you have phone sex is pretty disturbing. But YDI for using the home phone...

she just wanted to make sure they knew what they were doing, they probably found out it was her when she said no no your doing it all wrong.

Next time ask your girl friend if she wants to have a 3 sum with your mom. Then see what your mother says to that.

Next time ask your girl friend if she wants to have a 3 sum with your mom. then she if your ease droper of a mom has to say.

this is...wrong. nothing further. |the kid|

TheDrifter 23

I was thinking it was right in all the wrong ways.

That must have been some good phone sex if your mom was even getting off on it. So what tipped you off that she was on the other end? The low moaning? The shouting of your daddy's name when she climaxed?