By policeopenup - 11/07/2009 19:38 - United States

Today, my girlfriend threw me on the couch as I walked in the door. I butt dialed my mom in the process. My girlfriend took off my pants and we got to business. After about 30 seconds of hearing what was going on, my mom thought something was wrong and called the cops to my apartment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 388
You deserved it 8 739

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hehehe.... hope it was good.. what did you tell your mom the next time you two spoke and she asked what happened that day??


Damn I was editing a longer comment into this then the time was up -.-

AnaMaree 0

He deserved it for getting pushed on the couch by his girlfriend.

youaresofucked 0

What are you on about? I wish I had a girl like that.

rofl, ever thought of locking your key pad?

Imawhalerider 0

I did this once, except my friend just thought it was a dunk dial. fml

Blackdemon 0

HAHAHA! That would have been a good day for the cops

hecuva 0

could have turned out to be a VERY good day ;) there's always a silver lining... more people means more fun!

If they were hot female cops, yes, it would have been a most magnificent day.

hehehe.... hope it was good.. what did you tell your mom the next time you two spoke and she asked what happened that day??

softballplaya822 0

Uh... Another reason you shouldn't keep your phone in your back pocket? Another reason to buy the new Blackberry that closes? Too bad Verizon didn't use this approach.

fmyfudginglife 0

That would be an amazing commerical.

DeathByIrony90 0

oh my god yes it would!! 'Course they might have to edit it a bit just to make it useable on public TV....