By daddy-o - 14/03/2012 07:51 - United States

Today, my girlfriend called and said she had great news. Turns out I've cured her of that illness she gets every month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 790
You deserved it 20 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

brokenangelexy 13

Don't be silly wrap your willy!

I want to know if this is just your cute way of writing, or if she's really too dumb to realize that she's pregnant.


haha that sucks, did she phrase it in those exact words ??

damn dude have u not heard of pulling out.

Yes, because THAT'S the best method of birth control... -shakes head- Condoms = fewer unplanned pregnancies, less gonorrhea.

sugarbear0727 19

A baby isnt gonna ruin your life if you're over the age of 18. Sure, it'll put a damper on a lot of shit. But you know what? Shouldn't have had sex dumbass. Or at least protection.

It's just a temporary fix. In less than a year that things gonna be back worse than ever

Is it sad that this took me 6 minutes to understand

lol she didnt know a period was s regular thing? she just have been happy. but you still deserve it for getting her pregnant in the first place

Your an idiot, it was just a way of phrasing it.