Alexa, play "In The City" by The Jam

By Anonymous - 02/12/2021 08:03

Today, after I was told my new apartment in the city I’m moving to for work had off-street parking, the only car that could possibly fit is a Mini if it had first been sawn in half. I parked my perfectly normal Citroen as close to the wall as I could, but my back wheels were still on the road. FML
I agree, your life sucks 820
You deserved it 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You got lied to by a landlord? I'm shocked!!!

Fun fact: there's one major point on which Adam Smith and Karl Marx agreed, and it's that landlords are a deadweight on the economy and the scourge of society (although Marx extended the principle to anyone who derive their own wealth from the work of others, most notably including company owners).


You got lied to by a landlord? I'm shocked!!!

Fun fact: there's one major point on which Adam Smith and Karl Marx agreed, and it's that landlords are a deadweight on the economy and the scourge of society (although Marx extended the principle to anyone who derive their own wealth from the work of others, most notably including company owners).